by organizer | May 17, 2019
Kai didn’t have an easy life, but his experiences taught him how important it is to hold on to your dreams, even if it takes time and hard work to fulfill them. Following his intuition, Kai taught himself photography, landing jobs and working for the likes of Jan...
by organizer | May 17, 2019
9 out of 10 people do not get the prosthetic device they need to be mobile. Highly trained experts are needed to design tailor-made, perfectly fitting devices. Unfortunately, there are only a few of these experts out there, which means that tailored prosthetics are...
by organizer | May 17, 2019
Everything in our lives is becoming smarter and more robotic. Why not use our technological advancements to aid the elderly so they can live independent and self-fulfilled lives? Thomas was inspired by life support systems used for astronauts and wanted to translate...
by organizer | May 17, 2019
“Work, eat, sleep, repeat – the average 21st-century routine.” One of Taz’s biggest fears is to settle for the life handed to you and submit to merely existing instead of truly living. While trying to find her way in life, she discovered her passion...
by organizer | May 17, 2019
Everybody knows these problems: queuing for the toilet, not knowing which route to take to your destination, or being stuck in a huge group of people. Buildings and events are designed to avoid these scenarios, but their design only accounts for standards and static...