The natural way of managing leaders | Erik Ringertz

“…What does your boss say about that? – I don’t know, I don’t think I have one…” Erik Ringertz believes in the natural ways of managing, being organised and taking decisions without the need for bureaucracy and hierarchical structures. In...

What I do to live the life I want | Petra Dorfner

When a family member got diagnosed with cancer, Petra started to think about what is really important to her in life. She decided to think about her “Big Five”, the 5 goals she wants to reach in life. In her talk, she not only explains her Big Five and how...

Create a universe out of a single line | Simon James

Simon James creates “two-dimensional sculptures” – paintings made of layers of chalk material sanded down. He takes us on a journey of how he discovered his personal style as an artist, including moments of panic, joy, surprise, and awe. Amongst...

How to create passioneers | Steffie Limère

Imagine all those things that you’re always dreaming of, but never got around to doing – what if you could make them reality? On a day-to-day basis, Steffie Limère helps her volunteers bring their ideas to life, enabling them to unleash their potential to...