by organizer | May 18, 2019
“…What does your boss say about that? – I don’t know, I don’t think I have one…” Erik Ringertz believes in the natural ways of managing, being organised and taking decisions without the need for bureaucracy and hierarchical structures. In...
by organizer | May 18, 2019
When a family member got diagnosed with cancer, Petra started to think about what is really important to her in life. She decided to think about her “Big Five”, the 5 goals she wants to reach in life. In her talk, she not only explains her Big Five and how...
by organizer | May 17, 2019
Simon James creates “two-dimensional sculptures” – paintings made of layers of chalk material sanded down. He takes us on a journey of how he discovered his personal style as an artist, including moments of panic, joy, surprise, and awe. Amongst...
by organizer | May 17, 2019
Why do we sometimes have a hard time reaching our goals? What to do when we’re about to give in to temptation? How can we achieve what we set out to do without feeling like we have to convince ourselves to get to work? The key is motivation: with his...