Personalized health — harnessing the power of diversity | Burkhard Rost
TEDxTUM 2014 • Topics: Biology, Computer Science, Genetics, Germany, Health, Medicine, Science
Personalized health -- harnessing the power of diversity | Burkhard Rost | TEDxTUM

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Do the differences between your genes and my genes matter, and if so, how? What does the future of personalized health look like? Burkhard Rost, one of the leading researchers in computational biology, takes us through some fascinating findings from his research, and envisions a future where personalized health can help harness the power of diversity of us as individuals, and as well as a species.
About Burkhard Rost
Burkhard Rost is the Chair of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the Technical University of Munich. He is affiliated with the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Columbia University in the City of New York, and is also the president of the International Society for Computational Biology. His lab develops computational methods that aid in the annotation of genomes, and help predict aspects of protein function and structure. The specific niche of his research group links artificial intelligence and machine learning to evolution.