Kwame’s T-Shirt | Doro Seror
TEDxTUM 2022

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About Doro Seror

With a lust for life, the wellbeing of mankind and the planet, Doro Seror is an environmental artist who truly encapsulates “everyday is a new beginning” in both her life and her art. Seror studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. As an environmental artist, she mainly focuses on sustainability and recycling in her artistic work to bring forth new creations through a constant renewal process. She places utmost importance to create art that defies the very meaning of the word and to not waste the resources of our planet.

Seror draws from her diverse experience and background describing her artworks as rituals and ceremonies that support people on their journey and to teach about the impact of waste. Seror has created multiple installments from used clothing to demonstrate the impact of unnecessary clothing waste and encourages others to actively participate in art hers’ or otherwise in addition to sustainability.