Mega events and the developing world | James Mister
TEDxTUM 2014
• Topics: Climate Change, Culture, Development/Philanthropy, Economics, Germany, Global issues, International Affairs, Politics, Public Policy, Social Justice, Sustainability, Urban Planning
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According to the World Health Organization, already more than half of the world’s population is living in urban areas, and this percentage is expected to continuously increase. Passionate about urbanization in developing countries and the challenges it presents, James Mister analyses how mega events such as the world cup play a catalyzing role in these countries.
About James Mister
James Mister is studying Master of Science in Sustainable Resource Management at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Prior to moving to Munich, James was a Transatlantic Fellow in economic policy assessment and international law at the Ecologic Institute in Berlin and also worked as a research analyst at the Forum for Atlantic Climate & Energy Talks in Berlin and Washington, DC.