What we can learn from blood cell chit-chat | Oliver Hayden
TEDxTUM 2022

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About Oliver Hayden

It’s the small things in life that count. 

However, that doesn’t just apply to Oliver Hayden, who spends a lot of time looking at cells. It’s a general attitude traced throughout a life devoted to family, nature, and learning, but possibly best conveyed in the charming and laid-back self-description of his career as “a dude looking onto cells” amongst other things.

But that isn’t by far the only thing he has done. After delving into multiple fields of research in an overarching attempt to bring different disciplines together, incorporating experience from acclaimed academic and industry workplaces across several locations, his work has spanned multiple topics bordering biology, chemistry, medicine, material sciences, optics, and electronics, with the most current effort focusing on blood cell diagnostics.

One of the most critical attributes of small things, however, is their capacity to grow, so working with young talent and giving them tools to be the experts of tomorrow is, in his view, the best way to make the biggest impact.  
