Opera fusion – a modern approach to classical music | Ceee (Corinna Ruba)
TEDxTUM 2019
• Topics: Classic, Composing, Dance (performance), Innovation, Live music, Music, Music (performance), Music (topic), Performance, Performance Art, Singer
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For many, opera is an old-fashioned art form which is reserved for the elite. Ceee (aka Corinna Ruba) disagrees with this point of view. She believes that opera needs to be alive, not static, to grow. With this first performance of her project “Opera Fusion”, combining electronic music and classical opera singing, she invites us to enjoy a new sight of classical music.
Producer: Ammonite @ammonite_music
Choreographer: Ana Dordevic @ana_dordevic
Outfit: Marina Hoermanseder @marinahoermanseder
About Ceee (aka Corinna Ruba)
When Ceee (aka Corinna Ruba) was growing up, she wanted to be a veterinarian. And yet…the adults in her family were musicians who quickly discovered her voice as an operatic singer. At six years old, an artist was born.
Not just an opera singer, Ceee is a dynamo of a performer: after a childhood spent training as a classical singer and thespian as well as teenage years spent in a rock band, she understands the many facets of the stage. Ceee works to modernize classical music for a new generation of audiences, and this is apparent not only in her refreshing 2017 solo album, “Ganymed,” but also in the foundation of her PEACE&LOVE ORCHESTRA here in Munich.
These days—when Ceee’s not writing and producing her own music for art performances—she’s probably hanging out with her dog Rocco, eating pasta, or redecorating something in her home.