There can be no human 2.0 without a humanity 2.0 | Philipp Reisinger
TEDxTUM 2014
• Topics: Biomedical Engineering, Culture, German, Germany, Humanities, Medicine, Religion, Social Justice, Sociology, Spirituality
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Are we ready as a species to face the increasing possibility of human-enhancing technologies becoming part of our society? In a thought-provoking talk, Philipp Reisinger, philosopher, theologian and future analyst, takes us on a reflective journey on what society could do to prepare itself for the disruptions that will be brought by these technologies.
About Philipp Reisinger
Philipp Reisinger studied Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law in Rome, Austria and Munich. Not unlike his education, his trajectory has been very multifaceted as well. He lived 14 years as a monk, 5 years as a catholic priest, worked as a tourist guide in the Vatican City, and also as a teacher in Liechtenstein. Having had such a diverse education and experience, today he is a future analyst, and investigates issues of importance to our society in the near future.