A health system that works for everybody | Sabine Kobayter
TEDxTUM 2016
• Topics: Big problems, Design, Disease, Empathy, Government, Health, Life, Public health, Public Policy, Research, Society, Vaccines
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Most of us feel perfectly comfortable going to their doctor to get treatment. But does our healthcare system really cover everyone? Sabine Kobayter spent months immersed into the world of injected drug users to analyze their needs to treat Hepatitis C, a potentially deadly, but curable disease. She shares with us her journey of expanding our healthcare system to also cover those who need it most.
About Sabine Kobayter
Sabine Kobayter works across disciplines to add a strategic lens to design problems, with the goal of changing standardized healthcare systems to cater to those who are most at risk: injected drug users. Sabine holds a PhD and MSc in Pharmacology from the University of Oxford, where she developed an Elsevier award winning spinal cord injury model to examine the effects of spinal injury on internal organs.