How to create passioneers | Steffie Limère
TEDxTUM 2016 • Topics: Adventure, Business, Career, Communication, Community, Connection, Creation, Creativity, Curiosity, Dreams, Education, Emotions, Exploration, Goal-setting, Happiness, Initiative, Innovation, Leadership, Life Development, Motivation, Passion, Personal growth, Purpose, Teaching, Volunteering, Work
How to create passioneers | Steffie Limère | TEDxTUM

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Imagine all those things that you're always dreaming of, but never got around to doing - what if you could make them reality? On a day-to-day basis, Steffie Limère helps her volunteers bring their ideas to life, enabling them to unleash their potential to become 'passioneers' and inspire others to do the same. In this motivating talk, she describes how she built a community of these passioneers based on a 'do-ocracy', and went from the crazy idea of taking over an old warehouse to what is now the largest imagination event in the world.
About Steffie Limère
Steffie Limère is the co-founder of Factory of Imagination, the largest imagination event in the world. She takes young, inexperienced volunteers and transforms them into world-class creative leaders of tomorrow. She encourages them to act on the ideas they have in their head to bring them to reality. Steffie combines analytical insight, passionate organisation, and dynamic leadership skills to build her own, unique fantasy factory: A place where anything is possible.