What you need to do to keep eating meat in the future | Vincent Fricke
TEDxTUM 2019 • Topics: Animals, Climate Change, Consciousness, Consumerism, Food, Mindfulness, Shopping

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Vincent Fricke loves eating meat -- but the chef also sees the issues of our current meat production and consumption, which causes far-reaching consequences for our planet and might even lead to meat no longer being available. In this talk, he highlights 4 easy steps towards more ethical meat consumption, so that our children and grandchildren can enjoy meat in the future.  
About Vincent Fricke
When Vincent Fricke was younger, he was given a piece of sage advice from a teacher: “Make every moment count.” To this day, he’s taken this to heart, even two decades later. As a master of versatility in the kitchen, Vincent wants to convey to the world that choosing what to eat should be an important decision—not a careless one. Through several different pop-up restaurants over the years, Vincent has proven his business acumen and knowledge of his craft time and time again. Not only does Vincent believe in utilizing as much of an animal as possible for food (the “nose to tail” method), but he employs this strategy in all his restaurants—whether the cuisine is carnivorous or vegetarian. Vincent has educated children on how to fuel their bodies well through the project Kochen Mit Zukunft, e.V., and has published two cookbooks.