How patient innovation improves lives | Pedro Oliveira
TEDxTUM 2015
• Topics: Activism, Big problems, Business, Change, Disability, Disease, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Health, Innovation, Internet, Medicine, Research, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Media, Technology
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Sometimes the answer to medical problems comes from the people facing them. But how can their solutions made available for the benefit of everyone? This is Pedro Oliveira's mission. He highlights the stories of outstanding people who discovered innovative ways to deal with their diseases and shared their solutions, developing a global network for patient innovation. In his talk, Pedro showcases how the internet can be utilized for the benefit and health of all.
About Pedro Oliveira
Pedro Oliveira received his Ph.D. in Operations, Technology and Innovation Management from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and both his M.Sc. in Operations Research and Systems Engineering and his licenciatura in Naval Engineering from IST. Today, he is Academic Director of the Lisbon MBA, Professor and Associate Dean for Research at the Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics.
Together with 3 former Lisbon MBA students, he co-founded PPL Crowdfunding Portugal, a leading crowdfunding platform. More recently he founded Patient Innovation, a nonprofit social network for patients and caregivers of any disease to share their innovations.