Our main event of 2016 took place on 10 December. About 500 people came together for a full day of inspiration at the Audimax of the Technical University of Munich. 11 speakers shared their remarkable ideas, and 3 performances dazzled the audience with their talent.
About the Theme: ENTELECHY
Entelechy (n.): realizing or making actual what is otherwise merely potential.
The journey from potentiality to actuality is an eager attempt to realize a vision – a vision of something more. It comes with obstacles, challenges, moments of weakness as well as moments of strength, some of which make us question our convictions, achievements and future possibilities. In order to become all that we are capable of being, we must embark on new, exciting endeavors, ultimately testing what we’re made of.
At TEDxTUM, we encourage you to explore, aspire, catalyze your imagination and dare reality to realize that which is potential, on your way to the destination of your choice.
Event Experience
We always say only 50% of the value of a TEDx event comes from the talks. The other 50% come from the experiences and new friends you make. At TEDxTUM 2016, we went all out with attendee experience! Our dedicated sub-team made it their mission to prepare as many extraordinary activities as possible for our attendees to enjoy around the session. Take a look below at what we offered our guests to tease their brains in between the talks.
Speakers Corners
For the first time ever, TEDxTUM featured Speakers Corners! The speakers of each session received a dedicated space in the venue, where attendees could easily find them. This opened up a flow of communication between the audience and the speaker, which forged an even deeper connection. This direct link made it easier to ask questions, have a discussion about the ideas shared on stage and brainstorm ways to contribute.
Feedback Wall
We always strive to get feedback in order to improve! This time attendees could let us know what they thought about the event in real time at our interactive feedback wall. To participate, they simply chose one or more colored threads, tied the first knot and then continued wrapping around the nails along the board. They were able to make connections between different aspects of the event such as “Food” and “Talks”.
Generous Store
Generosity is one of the basic elements of human happiness, but few people experience it on a daily basis. In our unique Generous Store, you didn’t need cash or cards. Instead, we used generosity as currency! In order to get one of the delicious chocolates, we prepared a bunch of generous tasks. They were wrapped around the sweets and encouraged our attendees to spread generosity throughout the event!
Potential vs. Fear
Fear is nothing more than an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. At TEDxTUM 2016, our expression wall asked the question: “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” Attendees shared their thoughts on what keeps them from realizing their potential. The wall filled up in no time as attendees posted their roadblocks to growth in every available space. The next step, as we told our guests: Get rid of those obstacles!
Simon James
Visual Artist
Hugo Kehr
Professor of Psychology
Sabine Kobayter
Sandro Krieg
Neurosurgeon and Researcher
Steffie Limere
Co-Founder Factory of Imagination
Jerome Lutz
Founder SynBio.info
Nassir Navab
Professor of Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Simon Reinhard
Memory Athlete
Gerhard Schmitt
Professor of Information Architecture
Terry Swartzberg
Ethical Campaigner
Auguste von Bayern
Zoologist and Researcher
Alina Groder & Sungsit Saiynart
Mel Kelly
Peak to Peak
TED Talks shown at the event
At TEDxTUM 2016, our team selected the TED talks they cared most deeply about and shared one in each session with the audience. These pre-recorded talks complemented the ideas shared by the speakers on stage.
We explored reality and how it is a subjective interpretation of the world around us in Isaac Lidsky‘s surprising and incredibly convincing talk, “What reality are you creating for yourself?”
In session 2, we reflected on love and what happens after falling in love, the part which is so well-covered in books, songs and poems, through Mandy Len Catron‘s talk titled “Falling in love is the easy part.”
Finally, David Gallo took us on a journey underwater, sinking below the surface to explore the wondrous, hidden habitat under the waves his talk “Underwater astonishments.”
Thanks to our generous partners, we can provide a high-quality event. If you’d like to get involved, please contact us.