A bold call for revolutionizing aviation | Annika Paul

Everybody knows the discomfort of feeling cramped for several hours on a long-distance flight with no choice but wait for the aircraft to land. Annika Paul, working with an interdisciplinary research team, wants to tackle the complex challenge of improving the flying...

Let’s build machines as complex as nature | Lin Kayser

Why aren’t the objects we manufacture made to be beautiful, on top of being optimized for functionality? Turns out, the way we manufacture things hasn’t really changed since the time of the Roman empire. With the introduction of 3D printing, that paradigm...

Why shit matters | Christoph Lüthi

3 billion people worldwide live in cities without sewers or wastewater treatment plant infrastructure. This forces them to dump their waste into open waters, contaminating the drinking water for others downstream. Imagine if we could harness nutrients in wastewater...