How dinosaurs teach us how our brain works | Lutz Kettler

While trying to understand such a complex structure like the human brain, we are often required to take a creative approach. For instance, what could a human and a dinosaur possibly have in common? Actually, they hear and process sounds similarly. Observing how birds...

How science helps us break records | Veronica Bessone

Joy, anger, fear, these are just some of the primitive emotions you experience when watching any sporting event. But nothing comes without a price. Athletes constantly push the boundaries of their bodies – sometimes at the expense of their safety for our...

My brain, my pain | Laura Bok

Have you ever stubbed your toe on your bed, hit your funny bone at your desk, or burnt your tongue on hot soup? Not exactly a pleasant feeling—quite painful. Still, it is indisputable that pain is something we need to survive. Sharp, acute pain serves as an alarm...