6 Steps to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence | Ramona Hacker

Sometimes emotions don’t make sense, and sometimes being emotional doesn’t mean you’re emotionally intelligent. Growing up, rationality often came before emotions for Ramona, but as she grew older and realized that she had never actively learned how to deal with...

Loss of a Species – A Giant, Extinct | Thomas Hildebrandt

What happens when an animal species gets extinct? Is it due to the natural path of evolution or the thoughtless actions of humankind? Less than a century ago, hundreds of thousands of northern white rhinos roamed the landscape of Central Africa. Today, there are only...

Deep Learning Beyond Cats and Dogs | Nils Thuerey

Deep learning, which is seemingly everywhere these days, is well-known for its capability to recognize cats and dogs in internet images, but it can and should be used for other things too. It can be used to figure out the complicated physics that dictate fluid...