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A vision of the responsive city of the future | Gerhard Schmitt
TEDxTUM 2016 • Topics: Big Data, Big problems, Cities, Communication, Design, Intelligence, Interface design, Internet, Policy, Politics, Public Policy, Technology, Urban Planning
Cities are among the greatest accomplishments of mankind – but they have not quite learned to respond to the needs of their inhabitants yet. Gerhard Schmitt believes that the communication between the city of the future and its people should be bi-directional. He reveals some approaches to make this possible, and interleaves his research with […]
A vision of the responsive city of the future | Gerhard Schmitt | TEDxTUM

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A health system that works for everybody | Sabine Kobayter
TEDxTUM 2016 • Topics: Big problems, Design, Disease, Empathy, Government, Health, Life, Public health, Public Policy, Research, Society, Vaccines
Most of us feel perfectly comfortable going to their doctor to get treatment. But does our healthcare system really cover everyone? Sabine Kobayter spent months immersed into the world of injected drug users to analyze their needs to treat Hepatitis C, a potentially deadly, but curable disease. She shares with us her journey of expanding […]
A health system that works for everybody | Sabine Kobayter | TEDxTUM

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Create a universe out of a single line | Simon James
TEDxTUM 2016 • Topics: Adventure, Art, Arts Education, Career, Communication, Creation, Creativity, Culture, Failure, Self, Self improvement, Work
Simon James creates “two-dimensional sculptures” – paintings made of layers of chalk material sanded down. He takes us on a journey of how he discovered his personal style as an artist, including moments of panic, joy, surprise, and awe. Amongst other lessons on life, his stories remind us that just because something broke, it doesn’t […]
Create a universe out of a single line | Simon James | TEDxTUM

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Beyond the first step: the unexpected, unanticipatible, enthralling! | Terry Swartzberg
TEDxTUM 2016 • Topics: Achievement, Activism, Adventure, Benefit, Cause, Climate Change, Community, Dreams, Emotions, Exploration, Global issues, Human Rights, Ideas, Impact, Initiative, Life, Local issues, Motivation, Movement, Passion, Peace, Positive Thinking, Self improvement, Volunteering
Terry Swartzberg is convinced that every person has the potential to change the world around them, and he won’t stop until each of us goes out the door and starts making this vision reality. Whether he is fighting for the remembrance of the suffering of Jews under the Nazis, working with the UN to help […]
Beyond the first step: the unexpected, unanticipatible, enthralling! | Terry Swartzberg | TEDxTUM

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Building our future with synthetic biology | Jérôme Lutz
TEDxTUM 2016 • Topics: Aging, Biology, Biotech, Computers, Intelligence, Robots, Society, Technology
When Jérôme was born 30 years ago, our world looked very different. Building on the advances in technology and biology since then, he paints a picture of what our future will look like, interleaved with stunning examples of what we have already achieved, from curing leukaemia to producing yeast from eggs. Jérôme’s dream is to […]
Building our future with synthetic biology | Jérôme Lutz | TEDxTUM

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Medical Augmented Reality: coming soon to (operating) theaters near you | Nassir Navab
TEDxTUM 2016 • Topics: 3D Technology, Anthroplogy, Body, Computers, Digital, Health, Heart health, Intelligence, Interface design, Medicine, Progress, Technology
Why is it that we have all the information we need at our fingertips, but the surgeon operating on us is limited to using their human senses? Nassir Navab’s mission is to introduce Augmented Reality into the surgery room, so that surgeons can see relevant data such as X-Ray or MRI as part of their […]
Medical Augmented Reality: coming soon to (operating) theaters near you | Nassir Navab | TEDxTUM

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How to create passioneers | Steffie Limère
TEDxTUM 2016 • Topics: Adventure, Business, Career, Communication, Community, Connection, Creation, Creativity, Curiosity, Dreams, Education, Emotions, Exploration, Goal-setting, Happiness, Initiative, Innovation, Leadership, Life Development, Motivation, Passion, Personal growth, Purpose, Teaching, Volunteering, Work
Imagine all those things that you’re always dreaming of, but never got around to doing – what if you could make them reality? On a day-to-day basis, Steffie Limère helps her volunteers bring their ideas to life, enabling them to unleash their potential to become ‘passioneers’ and inspire others to do the same. In this […]
How to create passioneers | Steffie Limère | TEDxTUM

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Motivate yourself with visions, goals and willpower | Hugo Kehr
TEDxTUM 2016 • Topics: Achievement, Anthroplogy, Brain, Career, Control, Decision making, Goal-setting, Happiness, Life, Life Development, Life Hack, Mindfulness, Motivation, Personal growth, Positive Thinking, Social Science, Society, Success, Work
Why do we sometimes have a hard time reaching our goals? What to do when we’re about to give in to temptation? How can we achieve what we set out to do without feeling like we have to convince ourselves to get to work? The key is motivation: with his straightforward 3-component model, Hugo Kehr […]
Motivate yourself with visions, goals and willpower | Hugo Kehr | TEDxTUM

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